Our Services
Our association continues to provide woodlot owners and loggers with technical advice and assistance along with marketing services. We offer a wide variety of forest management related services, which are outlined below.
Private Woodlot Silviculture
Administration of the Provincial Silviculture Agreement on Reforestation (planting) and pre-commercial thinning. This agreement provides funding to carry out this work. See the Silviculture Programs Through CVWPA page for more information.
Land Management
The Land Management Services Program offers the woodlot owner a complete package that includes: a complete management plan (with or without inventory) that addresses the silvicultural, harvest, recreational and wildlife needs of your woodlot. We are an independent service that can plan and supervise a harvesting operation to ensure you receive the maximum value.
Hardwood Log Service
CVWPA offers a service that includes the marking and bucking of hardwood logs so you can get the most money for your product and can dramatically increase your wood value. This can be performed either in your woodlot or here, in the office yard. This service can be accessed by simply calling the CVWPA office.
Our slashing service is available to slash your tree length material, helping you meet mill specifications and maximize the value for your products.
Timber Cruises
Timber cruises gives you an approximate merchantable wood volume and stumpage value on your woodlot. This would detail species composition of each species on your woodlot.
Landowner cost: 100 acres or larger – $5.00/acre
Less than 100 acres – hourly rate
Boundary Maintenance
We mark the boundary lines of your property. Good boundary lines make good neighbours and should be repainted every 5-10 years to avoid survey costs.
Road Location/Block Layout
Our staff can use our mapping resources to obtain information available from aerial photos. These photos outline your property and provide detail that can save a lot of walking time on the property.
Utilization Of Products
The Carleton-Victoria Forest Products Marketing Board will assist in getting you the most money out of your wood products by continuously assessing multiple available markets that ensures the best utilization of your wood products. We can make recommendations on ways to improve upon the woodlot and offer assistance in implementing changes.